Friday, December 3, 2010

400 years to do it yourself?

There are so many things we can do ourselves, but instead pay others to do. For example, I can make a good spaghetti sauce, but getting one in a jar is often easier, and sometimes I admit, superior. I can cut hair, but I know I look much better if a hairdresser does it. My old school photos taught me a bowl on the head does not a good fringe make. I grow vegies at home for fun, but I wouldn't be without my organic greengrocer to provide what I cannot. They're also great insurance against slugs and hail.

And so it is with property management. Kiwis think 'I could do that myself' and many probably could. Especially if they dedicate some time to learning how. There are a few good books on the topic, and Department of Building and Housing's website is a useful resource. However, just like my haircutting attempt, it is better in the hands of someone who spends a great deal of time and effort on it, who has experience under their belt handling the many issues which arise.

According to Malcolm Gladwell, best selling author, an expert is someone who has spent 10,000 hours learning their craft. That's 5 years full time work. If you are going to do this properly, have you five years to do so? Do you have enough properties to give you the experience you need? That would be more than 80 properties to make a full time role. If you have only one property, then you would need to spend 400 years to get the same level of experience. Not likely, huh.

When you are ready for property management that is better than the ol' bowl on the head, talk to experts, ones with more than 10,000 hours of experience.

Click here to get Rental Results Property Management

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